Saturday, January 23, 2010

Terrible run, but we did pick up Earl Grey

We just got back from our run, and it was pretty bad.  I never fell into a comfortable pace.  The entire time my body was saying, "Why are we doing this?", and my lungs were not happy either.  I'm going to just call this a bad running day and be done with that.

My boyfriend, Chris, drinks a lot of soda (that's right, I say "soda", not "pop") at home.  When at work, he drinks a cup of coffee then water the entire day.  In an effort to get him to drink more water when at home, I've tried introducing him to different teas.  I for one am addicted to any kind of tea that contains mint.  So far he hasn't really enjoyed any of them.  We were at the grocery store this past weekend, and I was picking up more tea.  That was when he saw Earl Grey tea, which made him think of Captain Jean-Luc Picard of Star Trek.  I have never had it either, so we bought a sampler packet of tea that had Earl Grey as well as mint green tea and some other types of tea.  It turns out he really likes the tea, and eventually finished the three tea bags that were in the sampler.  So for our run today, we ran a round-about mile to our local Publix (best grocery store EVER!) and bought a package of Earl Grey.  I had my debit card stashed in my sports bra, and I'm pretty sure we looked especially awesome standing in the line sweating and red-faced.  Then we ran back, with me carrying a package of tea.  It was an interesting run. 

Next weekend I want to go run at one of the local parks then go to the farmer's market.

Time for a shower!

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