I have officially completed the last of my classes toward my degree. Next I have to complete my candidacy followed by a couple years of research (the amount of time depends on how the research goes).
This past semester was the most difficult semester that I have ever had. Chemical thermodynamics consumed my life. Instead of going to the gym in the morning, we met to do thermo problems at 630 am. Then we did homework problems after work and on the weekends for hours at a time. Needless to say, my gym regimen flew out the window.
As far as running goes... this has been a bad year for me. I ran that 15 K at the beginning of the year, and well that is pretty much it. Although I did discover weight training and how very, very much I love that! The most I've worked-out this fall has been the occasional (very occasional) jog around the block. However, I have actually convinced a few friends of mine to train to run a half marathon next December with me (they are starting as beginners like I did a few years ago). I'm incredibly excited about that!!! We start our group training in January. I am looking forward to going back to weight training in the morning. I'm actually really, really looking forward to it! Now that I no longer have classes to worry about, I can focus on my research and have more time for working-out and updating my blog.
I'm also looking forward to cooking new recipes again! Over the summer, Chris and I decided that each week we would cook at least one new recipe, and we would trade off who cooked the meal each week. I had a blast trying new things! Then dreaded thermo happened... and my life as I knew it went out the window. I look forward to new cooking adventures! If anyone has any awesome recipes that they would like to share, please feel free!
To sum up the past few months... in September I turned 28 (eek!) and had an amazing birthday, and Chris and I celebrate two years of dating. In October we celebrated Chris' b-day. November and December have been filled with family, friends, and yummy food. Oh and between all of that was thermo, thermo, thermo, thermo, thermo... LOL. Oh and somewhere in there, Caitlin and I did an 18 mile bike ride while her boyfriend ran beside us (he was training for a marathon). All in all, I have been having a wonderful time with my super amazing boyfriend (who bought me beautiful jewelry for Christmas!! THANK YOU!!!) and all of my amazing friends and family.
My New Year's Resolution for this coming year is:
To be less critical and more confident in myself. I am sure I can do this! I will also keep you updated on my training and try to keep up more with all of your blogs. I hope everyone has had a fantastic 2009, a wonderful Christmas, and will have a very Happy New Year!!!
Some pics:
My Birthday
Our 18 mile bike ride.
The babies are getting so big! Zack (all black), Ashe (all grey), and Kirby (grey and white).
Me with my little brother and sister who are so grown-up!
With my sister Renee and my niece Joy... she is so beautiful!