Thursday, April 16, 2009

I'm adding on the 200 Squats Challenge!

Maybe I'm over-doing it, but why not add on the 200 Squats Challenge too? I might as well work each area of my body consistently. Caitlin has also agreed to do this. I have been consistent with my daily lunges, and I'm really noticing a difference in my thighs and butt (gotta love that!!). We are planning on doing the tests tomorrow and starting the actual work-outs on Friday. I'm hoping that it won't make my abs or legs look too bulky. And I'm afraid I won't be able to do all the push-ups without ending up on my knees at some point. If that is the case, then my goal will be to repeat the challenge trying to do the full push-up position.

Okay now I have to go give my seminar presentation for the semester. Since it is my first semester of seminar, my presentation is only in front of my adviser and the professor. I've already practiced in front of my adviser a few times, so I'm not as nervous as I could be. In the fall I will have to give the presentation in front of students and faculty. I am already dreading that. My topic is actually pretty cool, and I'm sure I'll talk about it later. Time to present! Keep your fingers crossed for me.

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