Saturday, April 3, 2010

Visiting family...

Friday morning Caitlin and I ran only ran two miles (at 6 am).  It was early, and I did not sleep well.  The run was nice though.

Mile 1:  11:46
Mile 2:  11:31

After, we met her visiting parents for breakfast.  They were very sweet and bought us both breakfast.

I left work early on Friday, and Chris and I headed to Sarasota to visit his family for Easter weekend.  We had delicious homemade lasagna for dinner and "the pie" for dessert.  This delicious custard and fruit pie comes from Publix, and Chris's mom knows how much I love it so she usually picks one up before we come to visit.
Doesn't that look yummy?!  I passed out pretty early, which meant I woke up very early.  I plotted a 5 mile run using  This was my first run with the ipod since the ringing in my ear started.  Oh by the way, it seems to be much better!  The ringing is still there, but the frequency is much less.  I did notice that it was worse after running, but seems to be much better now.  Back to my run...  I set up with my goal to finish 5 miles.  I was more concerned with going the distance than what my pace was.  I ended up with a much better pace than anticipated.   The run started out nice and cool, but my path for the last mile resulted in little wind and I was pretty hot.  Oh, and I saw my first wild Roseate spoonbill today!  It was all pink and cute.  

I didn't have a camera to take a picture, so I borrowed one from Google.  I also ran through the Amish part of town which was really cool.

Mile 1:  10:12

Mile 2:  10:17

Mile 3:  10:15

Mile 4:  10:10

Mile 5:  9:34

Today Chris's mom took us to the Tervis Tumbler Factory Store!  We each picked out a 24 oz cup and lid.  I loooove it!  They really are fantastic!  You can fill them with hot or cold liquid, and they have a lifetime warranty.

Later, Chris and I decided it was time for the kitties to have a bath.  We only managed to bathe Zack today.  I have the scratches to prove it...  (he was frightened by Chris's parents' dogs). We will bath Ashe and Kirby tomorrow.

(Yes, I really am that "white"... I have given-up tanning.  I really did not go often, only before a vacation, but I came to the conclusion that it was just not smart.  I will embrace my paleness and hope to still look young when I am much older.) 
Then we headed out to have dinner with my aunt.  She lives on the other coast of Florida, but was over here for work.  We went to a great mexican restaurant.  Here is a picture of me and my super awesome Aunt Nora!

Tomorrow I plan to do some school work and relax.  We will have Easter dinner before heading back home.  I hope you all have a wonderful weekend!

Here is a great quote I found this week:  "Don't let the fear of the time it will take to accomplish something stand in the way of your doing it. The time will pass anyway; we might just as well put that passing time to the best possible use." ~Earl Nightingale

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