Sunday, February 21, 2010

Another wonderful day and three more miles logged!

Today has been a great day!  I was completely lazy this morning/early afternoon.  All I did was read blogs or magazines and relax (and enjoy that GM I made earlier).  Late in the afternoon Chris took a break from his homework and took  me out to one of my favorite places to eat!  I ordered my favorite wrap (chicken, poppy seed dressing and fruit), and we sat outside to enjoy the fresh air.  After we walked around a lake, roughly a mile and a half.  Once we came back, he helped convince me that I should go for a run.  (He really is the best!)  I did three miles and admittedly felt pretty tired during the second half.

Mile 1:  11:20
Mile 2:  10:35
Mile 3:  10:16

Overall time:  32:04 minutes

Hey, at least I had negative splits, right?

Chris decided he wanted me to make him a smoothie today... one that did not look green.  He has not fully come around to the spinach idea I guess.  I made one that turned out a lovely shade of purple (there's a portion of it above, in my favorite glass).  It had a banana, strawberries, blueberries, vanilla yogurt, milk and ice.  Again, it made wayyyyy too much and again I forgot the flax (I set the box out to remind me when I make one for breakfast in the morning... yes, I'm currently addicted, but it's better than eating Valentine's Day chocolate).  It was good, but I'm still going to make the pumpkin and spinach smoothie for breakfast.  That one was really good! 

 And finally, the babies looked sooo cute today!  Zack and Ashe relaxed in the recliner and were cleaning each other, while Kirby was curled up in the "kitty condo".

We ended the day with grocery shopping, left-overs, and an episode of Caprica.  The jury is still out on my opinion.  It's definitely no BSG, but I haven't given up on it yet.

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